Before Hiring A Generator Contractor: Know What Your Generator Contractor’s Responsibilities Are And Know What You Should Expect Before, During & After the Installation
Thank you for considering CT Home Generator Systems.
At CT Home Generator Systems we specialize in the installation, service, and repair of residential standby generator systems, “That’s all we do” 7 days a week including holidays. Our entire staff is dedicated to our generator customer base. We will be there before, during, and after the installation for the life of your generator.
This page is designed to help inform our potential customers of exactly what you can expect from CT Home Generator Systems before, during and after the installation of your home generator system.
We realize that you will be getting prices from other contractors and will find pricing all over the board. It is our hope that this brochure will give you some information to consider when comparing prices to help you choose the right home generator installation company.
Thank you,
Edward Ingalls
Owner of CT Home Generator Systems
72 Pane Rd, Newington CT
Visit our 2000 sq. foot indoor showroom and meet our staff. Look over our many whole house generator displays. There you will see exactly what your generator will look like after installation, including displays of natural gas and propane hookups.
Speak to one of our Residential generator installation managers and discuss what options are available before making any decisions. “We do not employ salesmen.” You will speak directly to one of our service installation managers and learn about the Home Generator install process. You will also be able to ask and get answers to any questions you may have. We like questions.
Before you leave we will provide you with an estimated turn-key cost of what your generator system will cost fully installed including gas hookup. We offer full financing. Ask about our affordable financing packages.
Tour our generator service and repair department and look over our fully stocked inventory of generator parts and accessories. You can also see our fleet of fully stocked service vehicles.
We offer free onsite visits to your home to discuss your generator installation options. We go over generator placement locations. We will go over the gas supply options for your home. We offer natural gas hookup or propane hookup. We will provide you with a turn-key installation cost for the generator installation which includes materials, labor, permits, and gas hookups.
CT Home Generator Systems is always open to discuss pricing. We are always willing to discuss price comparisons and/or review other quotes which you may have received and discuss cost comparisons in detail. We would like to have you as our customer.
During the installation you will be assigned a generator installation tech manager that will oversee your entire installation of the generator from start to finish with direct contact via phone or in-person.
Professional generator placement at your home on an approved Generac Power Systems Genpad by our own in-house generator placement team along with any necessary landscaping and clean up.
Generator wiring, installation, and start-up done by our own in-house Generac Power Systems Certified technicians and State of CT licensed Electricians from Newington Electric Co.
Wiring method will be Generac Power Systems approved composite cabling method designed for Generac Power systems. We do not use cheaper alternatives such as PVC conduit and wiring or other wiring methods. We strictly use Generac Power Systems composite cable wiring method.
Natural gas or propane installation, your natural gas or propane installation will be performed by our own certified gas contractor. Licensed by the State of CT and Consumer Protection.
Gas will be pressure tested to ensure proper fuel pressure for maximum generator power output as specified by Generac Power Systems.
We will arrange and coordinate all electrical and gas inspections to be performed by your local building inspector. We will then submit your Generac generator warranty paperwork to Generac Power Systems.
Customer orientation of your new Generac Automatic Standby Generator System.
You will have live telephone or in person contact with our installation and service department for the life of your generator Monday through Friday 8am to 4:30pm along with 24-7 emergency service 7 days a week including holidays, never a voicemail.
There is no annual service contract at CT Home Generator Systems. You will automatically receive a postcard via postal service or email and a follow up phone call each year reminding you when it is time to have your unit serviced annually for maintenance and checkup.
Software updates will be performed by one of our certified Generac Power Systems technicians along with annual maintenance for the life of your generator.
Genpro 24-7 Satellite monitoring system: If you purchase Generac’s Genpro Satellite monitoring system, we will provide, free of charge, monitoring at your home generator system through our computer system to ensure that your generator is operating properly even when you're not home.
Factory recalls and updates: CT Home Generator Systems will notify you for the life of your generator and any factory recalls and/or updates that generally may be required.
Unlimited phone support for the life of your generator.
Zero money down with financing options for qualified buyers.
- 2nd generation family owned and operated for more than 50 years.
- 8 fully stocked generator service vehicles available 24/7 seven days a week including holidays.
- 10 Generac Power Systems field technicians.
- 6 full-time generator office staff available by phone with live personnel Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm. No voicemail systems.
- Live 24 hour personnel available 24 hours a day including weekends and holidays.
- Annual certification classes through Generac Power Systems for our certified generator service technicians.
- Generac Power Systems Elite Contractor Status
- Licensed By the State of Connecticut and the Department of Consumer Protection